The Drug Court of New South Wales (NSW) is an innovative and specialised jurisdiction focused on addressing the underlying issues of drug dependency in offenders. It is not for just those persons charged with Supply Prohibited Drugs and incorporate a wide range of offending. Established as an alternative to the traditional criminal justice system, the […]
My pool is non-compliant, can I still sell my property?
In short, yes, you can sell a property with a non compliant pool in NSW. But, there are several important rules around this that both the buyer and the seller need to take into account beforehand. In New South Wales, the Swimming Pools Act 1992 requires property owners to have registered a pool and/or a […]
Coercive Control: Abuse behaviour towards current or former intimate partners
Coercive control is a challenging legal issue encompassing a range of accusatory behaviours, from intimidation and manipulation to isolation and financial abuse. The legal framework for coercive control in NSW has recently evolved, and it is crucial to appreciate these changes from the defendant’s perspective. This blog aims to shed light on what defendants facing […]
What is a 10.7 Planning or Zoning Certificate
When purchasing or developing property in New South Wales, a 10.7 planning certificate which is sometimes referred to as a zoning certificate is an essential document of any contract of sale. Issued under Section 10.7 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), this certificate provides vital information about zoning and planning controls that […]
What will happen on Settlement Day?
Settlement day is a significant milestone in the process of buying or selling a property. It marks the finality of the transaction, where the buyer gains ownership, and the seller receives the sale proceeds, it can also be extremely stressful day for everyone involved. Settlement day is the official date when the property title and […]
Digital Evidence Access Orders (DEAO)
Do I need to give the Police access to my phone? Police Officer: “Unlock your phone”. Suspect: “Do I have to?” Police Officer: “Yes you do”. But do you really have a lawful obligation to do so? The answer is… Sometimes This all started way back when Blackberry hit the market with their new […]