Reviewing or appealing an Infringement Notice

The idea of appealing an infringement notice is not technically correct, when you are seeking a review of a penalty notice to that the authority will withdraw and/or caution the offence in questions.   When reviewing your fine, Revenue NSW will take into account your personal circumstances. This means that you should tell us if […]

I have received an infringement notice, what do I do?

An infringement notice is commonly referred to as a fine, ticket, TIN or CIN and penalty notice. These are all essentially the same thing; the Fines Act 1996 refers to all these notices as penalty notices. There are two main types of infringement notices firstly, those issues by the NSW Police Force or another agency […]

Should I complete the Traffic Offender Program?

The traffic offender program (TOP) or the Traffic Offender Intervention Program (TOIP) is a road safety course. It is designed to provide drivers with the information and skills necessary to develop positive attitudes to driving and to change driving behaviour by developing safer driving behaviours.   The content of these programs are regulated by the […]

First Home Buyer Schemes and Grants

First Home Buyer Assistance Scheme Buying your first home can be confusing and stressful, understanding these grants is important to understand where you are at financially. The First Home Buyer Assistance Scheme is the more common scheme especially, in the greater Sydney Metropolitan area and New South Wales. Both these scheme operate to allow a […]

Changes to Stamp Duty from 1 August 2020 during COVID-19

These changes are part of a range of changes made by the New South Wales Government under the COVID-19 Recovery Plan. From 1 August, 2020 and for the next 12 months thresholds for exemption from payment of stamp duty for first home buyers who buy new homes or vacant land.   NEW HOMES Pre 1 […]

Deposit Bonds

What is a deposit bond? A deposit bond is essentially like an insurance policy or bank guarantee for money that is need for a deposit when purchasing a property. No money actually exchanges hands, and all purchase funds or monies are dealt with at settlement, when the monies are paid in full the deposit bond […]

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